Welcome to the Church of Hitchhikertology

Don't Panic!

This is the Church of Hitchhikertology, a religion based on the sacred texts and radio plays of our prophet Douglas Adams.

This faith will enrich your life* and widen your perception of the universe.

So long and thanks for all the fish.

*Based on the pseudo-scientific principal of laughter being the best medicine.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Ladies and Gentlemen, The End Is Coming.... Eventually

Currently in the
Megabrantis Cluster, the political hub of the galaxy, The Vogon bureaucracy is slowly working through their mountains of paperwork towards the order to destroy The Earth, in order to prevent it working out The Ultimate Question. Soon a Vogon Constructor Fleet will be racing towards Earth to demolish it inorder to create a new hyperspace bypass, to relieve traffic congestion. We are doomed unless we can escape earth quickly. Or so it would seem.

But don't worry. We on Earth have two safe gaurds aginst compleete anialialation. First when the earth is destroyed we will all be recreatd instantly along with the earth due to the nature of probability and the fact that earth resides in a plural zone. We, as Hitchhikertologists, will notice this but most other people won't, and we might enlighten them. Secondly when te earth is destroyed for the final time by the
Grebulons (orchestrated by the vogons) all people on earth with a Babel fish in their ear will be transported to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe via the Babel fish's ability of continuous probability transfer, one more thing we have to thank them for.

So as you can see the faithful will be saved, but everyone else will be too dead to mind.

See you at Milliways.

So long as thanks for all the fish.

Ps. Sorry for the lack of updates but I'm incredibly lazy. If anyone wants to become a priest and add posts please say so.

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