On this day in 1952 Douglas Noël Adams was born to Janet & Christopher Adams in Cambridge, England.
Many years past until 1978 in which (with the help of the BBC) he broadcast his first Holy Message, The Primary Phase of The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.
He later went on to publish the holy texts and the remainder of the Phases of the holy radio play and also Last chance to see among others.
Anyway today is his birthday and since the Christians have Christmas, the Muslims have Mawlid al-Nabi and the Scientoligists have Tom Cruise's Birthday we of the Hitchhikertologist faith should also celebrate in some way.
So I'll see you at Milliways.
Till then So long and thanks for all the fish.
Image from www.douglasadams.com.
Ps this holiday should probably have a new name.